Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Unfortunately we don’t offer a pickup option. Instead, we offer unbeatable postage prices for Perth locals.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a shop you can visit.

We use AusPost for all of our shipments as we’ve found them to be more reliable and transparent than couriers. The delivery charges are calculated at checkout.

We accept Credit Card, PayPal, and Google Pay.

For barrels without etching, the barrels will usually be shipped within 2 days. For barrels with customised etching, please allow a week for design and etching plus shipping time. The actual transit time will depend on you location and the shipping method you choose.

To order your barrel with custom etching simply go to the product page for the barrel you would like to purchase, then tick the “Customised Design” checkbox. Enter the description of what etching you would like and upload a file if you have one. The more specific you can be, the better – send photos, a description, or a sketch of what you want on your new barrel. Once the design is complete we’ll send it to you to make sure you’re happy, then we’ll get to work etching, packing and shipping your barrel.

If you already have your own design that you can send then we sure can etch that onto your barrel for you. Just select “Customised Design” on the product page and upload your logo.

No, unfortunately photos don’t turn out very good. It’s best to keep the design simple for the best results.

We have a number of different designs for you to choose from. Visit our Gallery to view our range of designs.

No, our barrels are not made locally. The largest cost in producing a barrel is the labour. For this reason we source barrels from countries where labour is less expensive than Australia. The origin of individual products can be found on the product page “Additional information” tab.

No, we’re not a cooperage. We supply the barrels only.

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